My Art Walk 2018 post 4: Jolie Lisa

Jolie Lisa's display Art Walk 2018 features work from her Fantasy Series, which began in 2016.

She has her own gallery Art Dreams on Tabula Rasa art sim. Read this blog post by Becky Kenaan explaining the Art Dreams concept.

Vision of Beauty Art Complex has a cool teleport system, where you can find your way to Jolie's room easier.

We are lucky to have Jolie also as one of the Galleria Kakku artists. Her booth is in the art floor 1.

Dean Lawson wrote an interview piece about Jolie on the SL Enquirer. It speaks to her experiences as an established professional artist both in real life and within Second Life.

More art by Jolie Lisa on Flickr.


My Art Walk 2018 post 3: Indigo Puddle and Suzume Zuki, May 24
My Art Walk 2018 post 2: Hopping between Art Walk 2018 and home galleries, May 15
My Art Walk 2018 post 1: Art Walk 2018 begins!, May 14


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